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  • Writer's pictureMakaela Gibson

I have a story. Chapter 1

[The following is an excerpt from the first chapter of my future book. Think if it as a teaser and then let me know if it makes you want to read more...]

The summer garden was turning out to be quite the crop. In years past, growing tomatoes inside had proven to be a hard task, but this particular summer seemed to be different. Study and preparation made for a better transition and better transition made for a better crop. It was the kind of crop I loved to lose my natural self in, finding myself in a whole new world.

I can see it now as I close my eyes. Luscious leaves flowing from one plant to the next. The soil rich with nutrients not only feeding these growing plants, but also seeping into the bottoms of my feet as I walked barefoot row after row. The soil nourished me from the outside in. I can still feel the blades on the leaves scratching against my skin as I ran my fingers through the plants. Prickles on their edges grabbing for my attention. Cherry tomatoes dropping onto the path. Zucchini growing the size of an arm. Growing a garden became my place to escape. It offered me what my current world couldn't, peace. I would sit in there for hours at a time, quietly communing with God while soaking in the sun and the earth.

That was until another woman started growing her plants amongst mine. She was given a corner, taking ownership one step at a time. It was a subtle take over, but her motive was loud and her weeds spread fast.

ENTER Inferior. Inferior was an acquaintance at best, showing up in our lives a little more with each passing day. NOT bright and lacking confidence, though She was stiff, tall, and thick and her face resembled that of painted lady and not one receiving a makeover in department stores. No, Inferior spent her life overcompensating in every area, begging to be seen. She tried hard to be accepted, but never did she feel confident that what she tried was ever going to work.

Until one day it did. On that day, Inferior took hold of one man’s compliments so aggressively she oozed her pent-up desires for acceptance resulting in extreme and awkward behavior. She became competitive, proud and made herself known. She was a counterfeit, losing what little genuineness she had left in her.

Inferior was dangerous and she was in my home, in my garden. Inferior was in my life and there was nothing I could do.

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