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  • Writer's pictureMakaela Gibson

My purpose in writing my story

My purpose in writing my book is mot bring hurt or shame to those who were a part of my story but rather to bring healing.

My purpose in writing my story is to help others who have been fighting a silent battle of spousal abuse, partner abuse, to be able to see, and know their value to the world and the people around them, and to learn how to rise from the ashes, and stand again, rise up and find their voice and safety.

My purpose, my purpose, my purpose is to link arms with other passers wives who have come out of the system of similar situations and let them know that they are not alone, and that their voice matters the pastors wives who still feel the pain from what they endured.

My purpose in writing is to help those who do not have a voice.

There are thousands of stories just like mine. Mine is a mere one of them. My hope is that in telling one story at a time we are able to reach others and that there a some way a there would come a revolution across this country, for the bound who can find their voice and take back their life.

Maybe, just maybe it'll even reach others worldwide

This is a story exchange. I'll begin with mine.

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